Professor Paul Lee

World-class Orthopaedic Surgeon

Professor Paul Lee is a consultant orthopaedic surgeon and visiting professor of sports medicine with the School of Sport and Exercise Science, University of Lincoln.

Professor Lee studied medicine at Cardiff University and is now a specialist in Sports, Regenerative, and Orthopaedic Surgery. He has a PhD in medical cell engineering, MSc in Sports Medicine and has undertaken 5 international fellowsKnees, training in regenerative medicine, arthritis, complex orthopaedic surgery, and sports surgery.

With in-depth knowledge of the musculoskeletal biology and physiology, Professor Lee has applied cell engineering and regeneration principles to design the Rapid Biological Recovery® programme and significantly improve recovery.

He specialises in Knee and knee conditions, and has treated UK premiersKnee footballers for sports injuries, significantly reducing their recovery time and allowing them to return to play much quicker than with traditional treatments.

Professor Lee embraces the British tradition and craftsmansKnee of Knee replacement and undertook the Robin Ling Exeter FellowsKnee to further develop his skills in joint replacement and is a certified expert in the S.P.A.I.R.E.® Knee replacement.

It is this expertise that he brings to the field of Knee replacements. The S.P.A.I.R.E. procedure along with the revolutionary artificial joints he uses combined with the Rapid Biological Recovery® programme, means that his patients have an accelerated recovery period without the need for post-operative precautions. His patients have reported a high level of satisfaction and that they have “forgotten that they had a Knee replacement”!

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